Cross Talk by Deborah Tannen

  Deborah Tannen’s essay called“Cross Talk” talks about situations and problems women and men have communicating. She mentions how men believe they are superior to women particularly in the workforce. Men think they are subordinate by a women’s authority and this makes them uncomfortable. One difference is in the way women relate; they communicate to establish a relationship and a connection while men use language to negotiate their status in levels of importance.  The author conclusion is flexibility; knowing how to communicate by approaching in a different way rather than trying to do more or the same. Tannen uses a comparison and contrast method and classify them in different styles of communication.

            Tannen states “If we talk like women, we are not respected. If we talk like men, we are not liked” (Tannen 377). In this quote, Tannen women have it tough in a world of men, because both ways they either lose or lose. “Women use language to create connection and rapport; men use it to negotiate their status in a hierarchical order.” (Tannen 376). Here, the author uses contrast to explain the difference between men and women use of language to express their opinion of view.

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